
Kind Words From Clients and Mentors

Read some success stories from clients who have worked with Nira over the years from all around the world and experienced deep physical and psycho-emotional healing. 

Nira is a compassionate, thorough, effective, and highly trained practitioner with a unique ability to assess and understand both psycho-emotional and physical root causes of health imbalances. As a professional psychic, I would say her medical intuitive skills are outstanding. Trained in both functional health and energy medicine, Nira can provide a comprehensive supportive roadmap for optimum health and well-being for anyone looking for real deep healing, not just quick fixes. Highly recommended!

Niki Skye

Spiritual Teacher & Personal Development Guide, USA

I feel so fortunate to have had Nira’s help and guidance during my ascension journey. The information I have been given is invaluable, game-changing, and mind-stretching. Over the past 18 months, I have had five sessions with her during which I have not only seen my continuing positive progress but I also have been empowered to handle two new health challenges. Nira’s understanding of developmental trauma has been extremely helpful as well. Her energy assessments have been individualized to my situation- it’s wonderful to feel so unique in this age of conformity-inducing algorithms- and yet, her knowledge of ascension has helped this individual connect better with the greater energy field surrounding him. My overall experience with Nira has been very powerful (I spent 36 years in allopathic medicine as an internist and psychiatrist laboring under the mind vs. body illusion).

David M.

Internist & Psychiatrist, USA

I experienced two physical miracles on my ascension path since working with Nira. My chronic respiratory ailments and my broken heart from birth are healed! I appreciated Nira’s expert guidance in health and intuitive coaching in all my health and Merkabah ascension growth goals! Nira was instrumental in coaching me in my ascension growth as I strived to master my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self. I grew more comfortable and more confident as I progressed with my expanding ascension consciousness reaching out on different occasions for more answers from Nira. She became my go-to person on this journey for me. I felt safe and happy being able to have someone to answer my questions and encourage me to succeed in my positive ascension journey.

Lorraine P.

Retired Natural Health Practitioner, North Carolina, USA

I have gained more energy and have a better outlook on life thanks to the wonderful guidance from Nira. Her intuitive powers and knowledge have been so helpful in my healing journey. I would highly recommend Nira as she has a gift of intuition of what her clients need along with her vast knowledge of the mind-body connection and healing. She is able to use her skills in pendulum testing to help her clients know what they need in terms of supplements, therapies, and healing techniques. I like her kindness, knowledge, and supportive nature. I always felt cared for and had a better outlook on my healing after our sessions.

Shirley P.

Nutritionist and cookbook Author, Canada

Nira is more than just a knowledgeable and very educated holistic practitioner. She brings her whole self to every session, she is there for you as a professional as well as a compassionate person. Her sessions are well structured and she goes into detail for you to understand the root causes as well as suggested recommended steps. Her approach shows a lot of care and encouragement, she knows what she is talking about, often coming from her own experience. She applies knowledge from different fields and angles to make sure your improvement is not only short term and you can truly and fully heal. Since my journey with Nira, I have experienced improvements on different levels, not only physical, but also mental, social, and spiritual. To mention just a few, based on Nira’s advice, my hair is getting back to its original volume, my skin is clear and glowing, improved digestion and hormonal balance, my energy levels are higher and I experience a higher-quality of sleep. I am more calm and more naturally aware of what is good for me.

Sonia H.

Manager, Slovakia

I have been working with Nira to manage a range of health issues (including fatigue, hypoglycemia, weight problems, etc.) for over two years. Nira is incredibly professional, and always provides practical steps to assist me with managing my health – she is also very patient and willing to offer detailed explanations regarding the recommendations she is sharing so that I not only understand what to do but I why I need to do it. Nira has helped me to develop a greater understanding of how to balance my health physically, psycho-emotionally, and energetically. More than that, she is incredibly passionate about her work and makes every effort to help her clients feel supported and reassured during their consultations (there have been several times when I have been particularly distraught about my health and Nira always manages to hold space for me in a way that makes me feel heard and understood). Nira genuinely cares about her clients and frequently goes above and beyond to ensure that we are each receiving the best possible care to accelerate our healing. I’m extremely grateful to Nira for all of her support and compassion. Thank you, Nira!



I’ve worked with Nira for the last 2 years in connection with my physical and psycho-emotional health and well-being. I have found Nira to be kind, compassionate, patient, intelligent, and professional. I worked with Nira via Zoom in what I found to be a very safe space, and she was always able to target various imbalances and provide potential courses of action to employ. In working with Nira I learned to become more in tune with my body and my intuition, which has helped me determine each next course of action toward healing. I would say my psycho-emotional healing has been exceptional and my journey of physical healing continues, but from a space of patience, calm, non-judgment, and gratitude. Nira’s help has been invaluable and I highly recommend working with her.Since my journey with Nira, I have experienced improvements on different levels, not only physical, but also mental, social, and spiritual. To mention just a few, based on Nira’s advice, my hair is getting back to its original volume, my skin is clear and glowing, improved digestion and hormonal balance, my energy levels are higher and I experience a higher-quality of sleep. I am more calm and more naturally aware of what is good for me.


VP of Tax, USA

My biggest improvement from working with Nira was being able to sleep again without sleeping tablets. This is a miracle for me as I have not been able to sleep without pharmaceutical sleeping tablets for more than a decade and thought I would never be able to sleep naturally again! I would recommend Nira as I always felt supported by her. She is kind, and knowledgeable, and goes out of her way to give you her best. I liked that I did not feel judged by Nira, instead, her advice and guidance were warm and supportive. I always looked forward to seeing her at our next appointment.


Kinesiologist, Australia

I have had several wide-ranging sessions with Nira over the past two years during which she has been extremely helpful and supportive of healing my physical issues, such as insomnia, digestive problems, and eczema. I’ve always found Nira extremely knowledgeable as she shares information fully, by sending links to suggested supplements and nutritional support and even completing an order at an online store together with her practitioner discount! Not only has she helped with my physical healing, but Nira has also been encouraging me with my continuing search for my soul and life mission. She has helped me clarify a way forward which now feels absolutely right to me. I can’t thank her enough and would highly recommend her to anyone else looking for physical and spiritual healing.

Heather F.


Nira is a delightful, warm, and knowledgeable practitioner, she is friendly and professional. Since working with her, I have had greater joy in my life, a lot more energy, and a positive mind-set. What made me the happiest about working with her over time was meeting such a well-educated, knowledgable, and fun young woman who goes the extra mile to help her clients.

Wilhelmina B.

Retired, Netherlands

While working with Nira I have been encouraged and impressed by the quality of care she provides. Her approach is gentle and compassionate and I was able to relax and connect with the deep sense of caring and concern she brings to her clients. With her high level of professional training and intuitive medical gifts, Nira was able to diagnose and guide me through some difficult health and wellness issues, providing clear, helpful assessments and guidelines that were compelling and highly useful for my healing journey. I was particularly impressed as Nira was able to skillfully determine one of my health conditions even before the symptoms appeared fully. I truly appreciate the kind, professional, and supportive approach she brings to her work and would recommend her wholeheartedly.



Nira has a genuine interest in improving clients’ health.  She is very caring and has a genuine interest in helping me on my health journey in the most holistic way.  She has a wealth of knowledge which, coupled with intuitive testing, means getting to the root cause of problems as well as prioritizing what is most important.  Importantly, through her skilled use of intuitive testing, I was able to test existing supplements as well as new supplements, resulting in only taking supplements that are necessary, as determined by intuitive testing and only making lifestyle changes that are necessary.  This saves time, and money and helps me to stay motivated – knowing they will make a difference. 

Natasha S.

Mother, England

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